Ir izraudzīti desmit projekti, un katrs no tiem saņems "Golden Star" balvu kā atzinību par aktīvo līdzdalību un darbošanos iedzīvotāju labā, kas izpaudās tik atšķirīgos projektos kā šie, kuru mērķis bija organizēt starpkultūru dialogu starp dažādām iedzīvotāju grupām, vai citi projekti, kas pavēra iespējas mācīties un paplašināt redzesloku par Eiropas integrācijas jautājumiem. Apbalvošanas ceremonija notiks novembra sākumā Briselē.
Balvas pasniegs saskaņā ar programmu "Iedzīvotāji Eiropai", jaunu programmu, kas izstrādāta, reaģējot uz vajadzību sekmēt iedzīvotāju līdzdalību Eiropas veidošanā. Apbalvoto projektu mērķis ir būt vislabākajiem attiecīgajā jomā, un vienlaikus šo projektu publicitāte atbalstīs un veicinās jaunās programmas tematisko pieeju.
Eiropas komisārs, kurš atbild par izglītību, apmācību, kultūru un jaunatnes lietām, Jans Figels (J?n Figel') teica: "Priecājos, ka iedzīvotāji visā Eiropā ar tādu aizrautību iesaistījās pasākumos, kas saistīti ar tik daudziem jautājumiem, sākot no izpratnes par vides problēmām un beidzot ar starpkultūru dialogu. Šī tendence liecina par to, ka jāsaglabā pašreizējā platforma, lai apstiprinātu projektus, kuri veicina sabiedrības līdzdalību, un paustu atzinību tiem, kā arī par to, ka mums jāturpina centieni sasniegt visplašākos sabiedrības slā��us."
"Golden Stars" balvas saņēmējus izraudzījās žūrija, kuras priekšsēdētājs bija Eiropas Parlamenta deputāts un Kultūras un izglītības komitejas priekšsēdētāja vietnieks Hannu Takkula. Žūrijā bija arī pārstāvji no Eiropas konsultatīvajām struktūrām - Brenda King no Eiropas Ekonomikas un sociālo lietu komitejas un Antonio Paiva no Reģionu komitejas, kā arī vēl trīs pilsētu sadraudzības un pilsoniskās sabiedrības organizāciju speciālisti.
"Mums, žūrijai, bija ļoti interesanti iepazīties ar kvalitatīvu projektu izlasi, kuros piesaistīta visdažādākā auditorija no dažādām valstīm, un no tiem izraudzīties projektus, kuri varētu iedvesmot Eiropas un tās iedzīvotāju tuvināšanos," teica Hannu Takkula. Un noslēgumā viņš piebilda: "Mani pašu visvairāk iespaidoja šajos projektos paveiktais un jo sevišķi centieni sasniegt konkrētus kopīgus mērķus, dalībnieku aizrautība un gala iznākums. Manuprāt, šāda darbošanās vienmēr iedvesmo uz panākumiem un rada sacensību garu citos cilvēkos, un beigās sekmē kopīgu vērtību apzināšanos visiem iesaistītajiem dalībniekiem."
Papildus desmit uzvarētājiem projektiem žūrija izlēma paust īpašu atzinību vēl diviem projektiem, lai atbalstītu to centienus.
Apbalvošanas ceremonija notiks 8. novembrī Briselē gadskārtējā forumā "Eiropa iedzīvotājiem", ko rīko Eiropas Komisijas Izglītības un kultūras ģenerāldirektorāts.
Šogad programmā "Eiropa iedzīvotājiem" ar gada budžetu 21,5 miljoni eiro atbalstīs projektus, kas veltīti pilsētu sadraudzībai, atceres pasākumiem un pilsoniskai sabiedrībai, kā arī Eiropas organizācijas, kas darbojas aktīva pilsoniskuma jomā.
Lai uzzinātu vairāk par šo programmu un par uzvarētājiem projektiem, kā arī iepazītos ar pilnīgu Briselē paredzētā foruma programmu, skatīt
Aicinām žurnālistus, kuri v��las apmeklēt šo pasākumu, pieteikties (tikai pa e-pastu) Sophie Andersson ([email protected]).
Pielikums. Kopsavilkums par "Golden stars" balvu ieguvējiem 2007. gadā (zemāk)
Eiropas Komisijas pārstāvniecības Latvijā
Preses un informācijas nodaļa
Tel.: 7085400, 7085421
Annex: Summary Of Golden Star Winners 2007
Civil Society Projects
" Learning In Immigration Societies: For Human Rights Oriented Democracy In Europe - Netzwerk Migration in Europa, DE
The history of exile, expulsion and forced labour and the co-existence in multicultural and multiethnic societies, was the aim of 4 weekly seminars - resulting in a publication - in which participants from different nationalities were encouraged to learn from the history of all participating countries, through experts' presentations, discussions and direct testimonies.
Contact details: Dr. Anne von Oswald,
Berlin Tel.: +49 030 84 109 267
E-mail:[email protected]
" How to become an active European citizen - Centre for Community Organizing Middle Moravia, CZ
A training module and a manual for elementary and secondary schools on how to become an active European citizen, prepared by an NGO (the project leader) and professionals (teachers), targeting students and teachers from the Czech Republic and complemented by a competition for students-designed projects, along with a national dissemination conference.
Contact details: Mrs Eva Macurov?
Tel.: + 420 377 325 998
E-mail: [email protected]
" Communicating EU Values Across Greece - Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), EL
A well coordinated campaign targeted mainly to the three main immigrant populations in Greece - Albanians, Bulgarians and Russians - and to NGOS, immigrant organisations and audiences with a significant multiplier effect, on the substance of the EU Constitution, EU values and the future of the EU after the Constitution. Public meetings, a workshop and a final conference/debate on the EU image held in major Greek cities and in Athens, attracting major Greek media, as well as an "easy-reader" booklet contributed to this effort.
Contact details: Dr. Ruby Gropas
Tel.: +30 210 7257110
E-mail:[email protected]
" BALTIC ADVENTURE-Youth travelling on the roads on enlargement - The Europahuset, SE
The acquaintance with the EU thematic and also with the activities of the each country's respective Europe Houses was the objective of a project involving youth and pupils in Sweden and the 3 Baltic countries. The work consisted of three phases: knowledge-building, followed by a fact finding mission including participants' training as multipliers and an information campaign during which participants put their knowledge into practice and created ties and networks.
Contact details: Ms. Lena Modin
Tel.: +46 26 27 67 00
E-mail: [email protected]
" Overcoming irritations and prejudices between people of different cultures, religions and convictions in the EU enlargement process - United religions Initiative Europe (U.R.I.), BE
This project sought to overcome tensions, irritations and prejudices between European citizens of different convictions and religions and foster understanding and respect. Through an interfaith-conference offering different formats for interaction and learning between old and new participants, the objectives were attained and a strong will for continued cooperation and other activities in the field was confirmed.
Contact details: Karimah Katja Stauch
Tel.: +32 2 216 99 01
E-mail: [email protected]
Town Twinning Projects
" Conservation of energy and natural resources - NETHER KELLET, UK (Partner: Bussieres/Loire-FR)
Themes such as that of energy and natural resources conservation, waste disposal etc, was at the centre of this twinning project involving guided visits, information debate by local MEP and a good mixture of practical activities and cultural events and targeting citizens and local representatives of the two towns involved.
Contact details: Ms Judith M. Bentham
Tel.: +44 1524 734 624
E-mail: [email protected]
" Enfants du pays, parents de l'Europe: Une m?me citoyenneté dans la diversité des origines - Le Coudray St Germer, FR (Partner: Trstena-SK)
In a project that sought to actively educate young people on intercultural dialogue, offer them a panorama of the EU and European citizenship and sensibilise them, Young Europeans Guided trips and visits to organisations of EU interest were organised. The multiplier effect proved quite strong, as schools, families and local representatives were involved.
Contact details: Mme Céline Omon
Tel.: +33 3 44 81 64 18
E-mail: [email protected]
" Citizens Together - Without Borders - Tekovské Lužany, SK (Partners: Bataszek -HU, Ditrau-RO, Quaregnon-BE, Newton Abbot-UK, Besigheim-DE, Ay Champagne-FR, Conde Sur L'escaut-FR, Kampen-NL)
Exchange of experience in the context of an enlarged EU between the twinned towns. The agenda built on: racism, xenophobia, of particular importance due to the Roma population present in these towns, as well as the role and the position of women in the contemporary society. Debates, transfer of best practices and know-how and practical information with the participation of civil society organisations and representatives of local authorities.
Contact details: Mr Mari?n Kotora
Tel.: +421 905 164423
E-mail:[email protected]
" Europe Week - Hennef, DE (Partners: Banbury-UK, Le Pecq-FR and Nowy Dwor Gdanski-PL)
A good example of making European integration visible in connection to 9th May, this project had Europe as the visible top theme on the local agenda during the whole week and involving 70 events with 1500 direct participants. Enthusiastic participation and involvement and mobilisation of local organisations from all 4 towns.
Contact details: Ms Erika Rollenske
Tel:+49 22 42 74 67
E-mail: [email protected]
" The days of Europe 2006 - Solidarity in Europe, hundreds of ideas, thousands of friendships - Wagrowiec, PL (Partners: Adendorf -DE, Schönwalde-DE, Gyula-HU, Le Plessis Trevise-FR and Russia and Denmark)
This project placed an accent on solidarity especially towards disabled persons and the elimination of biases and stereotypes. This was achieved during a "Days of Europe" celebration, involving residents of Wagrowiec, the participants of the partner towns, disabled people and people working with them. Sport-happening, cultural activities, conference and debates filled the agenda of the celebration.
Contact details: Mr. Stanisław Wilczyński
Tel: +48 67 268 0332
E-mail: [email protected]
Special Recognition: Trade Union for Active European Citizenship
" Making Sense of Europe - General Workers' Union, MT
What is the role of Trade Unions and how can they influence the debates at the EU level? By making links on a national and transnational basis with other civil society actors, the project sought to answer through a series of seminars on EU structures in MT and the UK, the creation of a toolkit for use in post-project activities and through awareness raising and broad dissemination.
Contact details: Mr Farrell Des
Tel.: +356 212 444 51
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Special Recognition: Twinned Towns for Thematic Cooperation
" Renewable energy from agriculture and acknowledgement with EU climate policy in energy sector - Municipality of Dobrich, BG
Conference on sustainable development and alternative energy strategies with high level experts and international speakers from the participating countries, attracting farmers from the host region and involving national and relevant stakeholders. A good example of engaging in thematic cooperation through a twin-twinning.
Contact details: Ms Galina Miteva
Tel: +359 58 60 12 08
E-mail:[email protected]